Vendre bague argent Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess collier perle tahiti histoire d’or-bague or 18 carats personnalisable-yltmdk

by Carolyn Puzzovio
March 4, 2020

Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess In my research of pre Christian mystery Religions what I found was that any information about them, mostly comes from those who were opposed to them. So apart from telling us that their rituals involved licentious sexual behaviour they don tell us much about them. As paganism was completely destroyed by Christianity in Europe and only survived in coded form in Freemasonry, Rosiccrucism and Alchemy. We have to look to areas of the world were paganism survived, and that is in Hinduism and Taoism, to understand the what were shabada boucles d’oreille the original Goddess teaching were like. Although Taoism and Hinduism have been mostly taken over by patriarchy Matriarchal elements still survive in both religions. Within Hinduism it mostly survives in Tantra, and both Taoism and Tantra like the Mystery Religions use sex in their spiritual practices. The followers of Tantra worship the Goddess Kali. Of all the deities worshipped today, the Goddess Kali has to be the most bizarre and unsettling of them all. What are we to think of a Goddess who is nude, black, has a bloodstained sword in her hand, a necklace of the skulls or heads of men, a skirt of the cut off arms of men. And is always shown with her tongue sticking out and walking or boucles d’oreille flocon de neige dancing on the body of a man. To say she is bloodthirsty is an understatement, because in her stories she will massacre whole armies of men or demons. In some stories she gets so drunk on drinking the blood of demons that she starts to massacre the whole of mankind. Though the story goes on to say that the God Siva saves the day by coming to boucles d’oreille punk Earth and throwing himself at her feet and thus appeasing her blood lust. From a Christian point of view, she would be considered an evil Goddess and is even referred to by Christian commentators as a Hindu Devil, but in India she is revered as either Mother Saviour of the World or World Ruler She is worshipped by millions of normal people in India and even by people in Western Countries. coque huawei Her devotees claim that she is a very ancient Goddess, who is worshipped all over the world under different names. Even today in Catholic Churches in Southern Europe there are statues of Black Virgins, which is an unusual colour for a collier a la mode interchangeable fleur ronde gingembre 074 fit 18mm bouton pression pendentif breloque collier bijoux pour femmes cadeau Christian image. It seems these Churches were built on pagan Temples of Black Goddesses, many being the Black Isis who was very popular in Roman times though there is evidence that the Black Isis replaced a even older Black Goddess. bijoux pas cher So in effect the Virgin Mary became a Goddess and followed a tradition of being painted black. Kali is also associated with the ancient Celtic Goddesses Caillech, Cale, Scotia, the Finish Goddess Kalma and many other European Goddesses who like Kali are called The Black Mother and Creatrix of the World. In Ancient Egypt there was Sekhmet, the lioness Goddess, who like Kali would embouts pour boucles d’oreille slaughter whole armies of men or Demons and get drunk on boucles d’oreille chats drinking blood. There is also the Aztec Goddess Coatlicue, who had a skirt of serpents, a necklace of human hearts and a human skull in her hand. In some images her head has been cut off and from her neck flow two streams of blood, which is also similar to traditional pictures of Kali. If it is possible to connect Kali with Coatlicue, then Kali would have to be a very ancient Goddess, because to interchangeable paon gingembre 274 bouton pression pendentif collier bijoux fit 18mm bouton pression charme bijoux pour femmes cadeau do this would mean that she is older than the time when there was a land Bridge between Siberia and Alaska. This goes back to the time of the last ice age which sounds incredible, until you ask the question; why were the people in Northern Europe worshipping Black Goddesses It is normal for people to worship idols of the same race as themselves. Christians in Northern Europe have statues of Christ with fair hair and blue eyes, while in Africa his statues are that of a black man. The only reason why people would worship a statue of a race different from themselves is that the Deity had an extremely long visual tradition that people forgot why they made the Deity that way. Human beings probably evolved in Africa, which is a hot country, nettoyer des boucles d’oreille so in spite of the drawings you see of early cave men that show them to be white. It is more than likely that they were black and some of them only slowly became white when they lived many thousands of generations in cold climates. Kali could be by far the oldest Deity that is being worshipped in the world today. coque samsung In fabriquer un porte boucles d’oreille some images Kali is shown as a very old woman, perhaps an indication of her great age Also she is known as the Goddess of time, suggesting that she is timeless. This has been partly confirmed by Archaeologists, who have discovered images of Goddesses going back 30,000 years. In boucles d’oreille puce triangle the images and stories of Kali there is a great deal of symbolism that is very strange and puzzling. The Hindus have attempted to make sense of this symbolism, they claim that Kali is so destructive because she is the Goddess of time, and everything is destroyed over great periods of time. The necklace of heads she has around her neck are 50 in number which represents the 50 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. The reason she sticks out her tongue is because she is shy! The reason she stopped massacring mankind when she stepped on Siva was because she is married to Siva and a good Hindu wife would feel embarrassed at doing this! Except for saying that Kali is the Goddess of time, somehow these explanations do not ring true, and they sound like wild speculation. coque iphone Like with Freemasonry imagery the symbolism surrounding Kali is never explained or boucles d’oreille pendantes swarovski given only superficial explanations. So Freemasonry and Tantra are similar in that they have something to hide and they only reveal their teachings through confusing symbolism. So as with Freemasonry the way to break their code of their symbology is to be aware that Tantra was once a matriarchal religion. In most images of Kali she is Black, and one of her names is ‹the Black Goddess›. In Christian symbolism black is evil and white is good, but because of the ancient history of India this view can also be seen as racist. In the caste system of India caste means colour. Suggesting that a white race that conquered India in pre historic times, who became the rulers while the common native people were black. This is the view of European scholars who claim that India was once conquered by a white Aryan race; this is now disputed by Indian scholars who point out there is no real evidence of this, except for the caste system. iphone 11 case So to say white is good and black is bad boucles d’oreille cerf means that this is about class and racial prejudice. coque huawei This shows that Kali was probably one of the native Goddesses before the white invaders invaded India. Religious symbolism can mean different things in different parts of the world. In the west we associate light with goodness and dark with evil. So it comes as a surprise to many people that the Australian Aborigines see it the other way around. The reason for this is that Australia is a hot and dry country where anyone can die quickly in the hot sun without shade or water. So to the Aborigine the sun and light are dangerous while the dark is safe and a relief from the heat of the sun. White people coming from colder climates regard the sun and fire as a relief from the cold, and fear darkness because of the long nights when it is winter. In the past, winter was when most people in northern counties died of cold and starvation, so it is no wonder they regarded the dark as evil. The Aztecs feared the darkness so much that they sacrificed thousands of people to their Sun God to ensure that the sun came up every morning. Indicating that they also originally came from a cold climate. The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas claimed that the last Matriarchal age ended when patriarchal invaders came from the North to conquer the peaceful Matriarchal communities further south. So it seems that patriarchy started with white people in cold countries. So the same thing could of happened to India in pre historic times, with white patriarchal invaders coming from the north. Kali is also shown as naked, which is sensible in a hot climate but is often seen as primitive behaviour by people coming from colder climates where clothes are needed. coque samsung When white invaders arrived in India, they wore clothes to protect their fair skins from the burning sun. They imposed their dress code on the natives; in much the same way as white people did in the last century in other hot countries. Even though haute qualite interchangeable boheme 124 strass 18mm bouton pression colliers pendentifs bijoux a bricoler soi meme pour femmes hommes 60 cm the natives saw no reason to put on uncomfortable clothes in a hot climate. So it is of interest that there is a tradition of holy men in India who walk about stark naked, and can be very aggressive in the way they behave. To the degree where they carry weapons like swords in their hands and show they are willing to use them. This is a very old tradition because the Greeks wrote about them when Alexander the Great invaded India. In many warm countries, though the native people do not wear clothes they don’t attach much importance to this boucles d’oreille double boule fact, whereas these holy men are using their nudity as a form of defiance. So this could have originally been a gesture of defiance against the white rulers and their customs to prove that they were not being intimidated by them. All other Hindu Gods and Goddesses are shown as clothed, but with Kali she is mostly nude and this is commented on in songs and verses about her. Yet nudity seem to be commonplace in older Deities like Diana, Aphrodite and Pan. So it seems that there is a point to her nudity, which is probably that she is not a part of the patriarchal establishment. So therefore she existed in India before the patriarchal invasion. This is reflected in the story of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were also nude before the serpent tempted them. The snake can be a symbol of the penis, so the snake could be a man or masculine knowledge. The story could be symbolizing that while Adam and Eve were nude they lived in the paradise of a matriarchal society. Then it was invaded or influenced by patriarchy. So the wearing of clothes would be a symbol of Adam and Eve accepting patriarchal religion and its way of life. Unfortunately the result of this was that they were thrown out of the paradise of the Garden of Eden. Eve was forced to take second place to Adam, while he was forced to work «By the sweat of his brow». This probably came about because in a matriarchal society, everyone was equal so people would only have to work to support themselves and members of their family. coque iphone In a patriarchal society the people not only had to work to support themselves and their family but the boucles d’oreille or massif hierarchy of rulers, priests and warriors. They boucles d’oreille bala boosté also had to work hard building useless things like palaces, fortresses, large Temples, Churches, pyramids and weapons of war. Another feature of Kali is that she is always shown with her tongue sticking out. The Polynesians, who are related to the Indian people, use interchangeable fleur gingembre 261 bouton pression pendentif collier bijoux fit 18mm bouton pression charme bijoux pour femmes cadeau this as a sign of an aggressive challenge. In Britain today, children will also stick out their tongues as a sign of defiance. Kali is also shown carrying a bloody sword and with her expression of aggression we boucles d’oreille chez amazon have to regard her as a warrior. She would then be a war Goddess; but why would warriors want a woman representing them unless the warriors happen to be women This suggests that Ancient India might have been once an Amazon nation. Many people today regard Amazons as myths, not knowing that archaeologists have dug up graves of many Amazon warriors throughout Europe. So it suggests that when India was invaded by patriarchal armies from the north the women learnt to arm themselves and fight back. Though it seems like the Amazons in Europe and Africa they were finally defeated. In her images Kali is shown walking or dancing on the body of a man; mostly this is the God Siva who is boucles d’oreille minceur white. coque iphone Some scholars claim that he was a native God who existed in India before it was invaded by patriarchal tribes. This is because he is worshipped as a penis in many of his temples. As the patriarchs were contemptuous of this form of worship, they stamped it out in many other countries it suggests that like Pan he was once a Matriarchal god. Which shows that the invaders were compromising with the native people at a very early date if they were willing to adopt the native gods. In much the same was the Christian turned many pagan Gods and Goddesses into Christian saints. After being adopted by the rulers of the country, he soon became a white man. This is emphasized in some of his stories and images as he is covered in white ash. coque iphone So we have a native Goddess dancing or walking over a white man who is symbolic of the privileged rulers of the country. coque huawei This means we have to regard Kali as a rebel leader of the native people who is dancing triumphantly on the defeated rulers. In one Hindu sect, called Thuggee, who worshipped Kali, the followers would carry with them a cord and quietly strangle people sleeping on the street at night as a sacrifice to Kali. The British successfully stamped out this sect, but how did such a bizarre sect come to be created In Southern Italy, after the Austrians had conquered them, a resistance movement called the Mafia was created. After the Italian people rose up and freed themselves of Austrian rule, the Mafia didn’t disband but continued as a criminal organization. So the same could of happen to the Thuggee. coque iphone After the British conquered India there was some resistance to British rule. Not having the ability to defeat the British in open warfare some Indian resistance fighters hit back in other ways. They would break into British soldiers› barracks at night and murder hundreds of them silently, while they were asleep. So collier chaud interchangeable dauphin cristal gingembre 238 fit 12mm bouton pression pendentif breloque collier bijoux pour femmes cadeau this form of stealthy resistance is traditional in India, which points to the Thuggee sect being created originally as a resistance movement. As the Thuggee worship Kali it points to them being originally matriarchal, fighting to rid the country of the patriarchal invaders. They clearly failed in this, but they continued 9 couleurs original 104 nouveau en cuir veritable bricolage bouton pression charme fermoir magnetique pendentif collier pour femmes hommes fit 18mm bouton the killing long after the cause was lost and in time they forgot the purpose of doing this over hundreds of years. Tantra, also worships Kali, and is very similar to Taoism in China. They both teach the concept that a man when having sex with a woman should not ejaculate. Many reasons are given for this, like, if a man ejaculates he wastes his spiritual energy, or that it is a type of yoga training to go beyond the temptations of the flesh. These sound like the usual patriarchal explanations that have allowed Tantra and Taoism to survive into the patriarchal age, while allowing a matriarchal practice to continue in secret. At a basic level, for a man to be able to withhold his orgasm is a great advantage to the woman, as it allows her all the time she needs to have an orgasm or even several orgasms. coque huawei Without any fear that the man will ejaculate and cut short her enjoyment. Also because a man doesn ejaculate he is not going to be worn out and will always be, the boil whenever the women wants sex. In modern day Western countries with the rise of feminism, women are already making these sorts of demands on men. Where a man has to learn foreplay and how to not ejaculate until the women orgasms. In Tantra, men are also encouraged to have sex with virgins. On the surface this sounds very patriarchal as patriarchal men like to «break in» virgins. Until you realize that in the ancient past a virgin was an independent woman who was not in any way dependent on a man. To sum it all up, in Tantra, men were encouraged to have sex only with independent women, and to hold back their orgasm in favour of the woman. Also in Tantra, sexual positions are mostly shown with the woman on top, unlike patriarchal religions, which prefer the man on top and in control. So in Tantra the woman is taking the dominant position, and using the man for her pleasure. Suggesting that it was once a very matriarchal religion. Tantra also teaches the concept of the left hand and right hand path of spiritual enlightenment. The right hand is traditional Hindu orthodoxy, but the left hand path is a complete rejection of this. On this path the seeker has to go beyond all the customs and taboos of society to achieve spiritual enlightenment. This makes it a very anti establishment doctrine and it is greatly criticized by traditional Hindus. Christians and many people in the occult tend to regard the concept of the left hand path support boucles d’oreille clip as the path of evil. This is because of the very successful propaganda campaign that the Church mounted against the Witches during the Middle Ages. coque iphone It was so successful that many people even today associate Witchcraft with evil. As are Freemasons who since the 19th century have also been accused of Devil worship. The result is that modern Witches in Britain when faced by the media, unless they are attention seekers, have to claim that they are «white Witches». coque iphone This is as daft as a Christian calling himself a white or black Christian. In fact the charge of Black Christianity would be make more sense, because it was the Christians who did all the torturing, burning and robbing of the Witches. The Christians in the Middle Ages behaved in exactly the same way as the Nazis did when persecuting the Jews. First of all they put forward a propaganda campaign to claim how evil the Jews were and blamed many of the problems in Germany at the time on to them. When they had popular support against the Jews they then began to put them in concentration camps. The Nazis took a lot of interest in the history of the Witch hunts in Germany. coque huawei It sounds like they were impressed by the very successful propaganda campaign that the Church mounted against the Witches, and copied it. coque huawei The Hindus never went that far in condemning the fringe elements within their religion. Probably because even though many anti establishment sects existed in Hinduism there is no record of them overturning the establishment. In the end the patriarchal rulers came out on top. So it seems that the image of Kali conquering patriarchy is not an event that occurred in the recorded past. As far as we know it never happened at all. So it can only be an event that existed so far in the past that it has been forgotten or it is a future event that the people hoped would come to pass in the future. In Ancient Israel, when the Jews were conquered by other nations like Babylon and Rome, their prophets predicted that one day a Messiah would appear and lead them in overthrowing their oppressors. That never happened in those days, but after the Jews were forced out of their homeland they hoped for a Messiah boucles d’oreille jeune fille to lead them back. In this century this prophecy has become partly true. Although a Messiah did not appear, the Jews did return to Israel. So was Kali a type of Messiah to the native Indian people The image of her dancing on a white man could have been the symbol of the dark, matriarchal native people finally overcoming and defeating the white patriarchal rulers. Perhaps this might have been the original meaning, but over thousands of years, in spite of the caste system, the Indians have more or less become one race. So the original meaning of Kali would have been lost. However, the images are still used and have come to mean something else. In some of the older pictures of Kali, she is seen dancing on a man who naturally looks to be in pain because of it. But the later images show the man relaxed and he seems to be enjoying the experience! boucles d’oreille en tissu wax Walking or dancing over someone is a sign of conquest. coque iphone In the old images the man resisted being conquered by Kali but in the later ones he doesn’t and passively allows her to «walk all over him». This is surprising because she is shown carrying a bloodstained sword and has around her a chain of skulls or men’s heads. In some of the images she does kill him. The chain of heads symbolizes that this man is not the first man she has conquered and is proudly showing how many men she has overcome.

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